TFX is at the forefront of the development and fielding of advanced laser wakefield
accelerator (LWFA) systems for directed energy technologies. Recent theoretical and
technical breakthroughs in femto-second science have been responsible for the introduction
of this enabling technology. These breakthroughs have resulted in systems that produce
high luminosity relativistic beams with significantly reduced size, weight, power
and cooling demands. These systems can be deployed on a wide range of platforms and
in the most demanding environments.
At the core of these laser-plasma systems is a femto-second laser source essential
for the creation of the plasma wakefield. The plasma wakefield generated by the laser
is a region with an extremely high potential gradient that accelerates injected charged
particles to relativistic velocities. This acceleration, which occurs in distances
measured in millimeters, has resulted in the development of “table-top” systems.
Innovative scaling of the basic LWFA technology results in high luminosity beams.
Contact TFX for further information concerning laser-plasma system technology: